Interventional Pain Management

Interventional pain management is a method which utilizes pain-blocking techniques to help make day-to-day activities less difficult and restore quality of life. This is done without the use of prescription narcotics and open surgery.

Interventional pain management is generally used when pain is severe enough to interfere with daily activities, and other treatment types have not been successful in reducing pain. If you are searching for a solution to your chronic or acute pain, then it may be time to find an Interventional Pain Management doctor who can help.

The Golden State Orthopedics & Spine Approach

Chronic and acute pain can turn anyone’s world upside down. Activities that were once enjoyable may be impossible due to intense pain. Even spending time with friends and family may become difficult. At GSOS, physiatrists practicing interventional pain management believe that treating the patient, not just the condition, produces the best results. Integrating interventional pain management techniques, a patient-first approach, and innovative thinking, we are able to combat your chronic pain and return to you to a normal routine.

Common neck and back conditions we treat:

There are many types of interventional pain management treatments. The type of treatment you receive will be based on your specific condition and symptoms, as each type of treatment varies in terms of invasiveness. Some of the most common interventional pain management techniques include:

  • Injections: Some common types of injections are Steroid Injections, such as Epidural Injections, Facet Joint Injections and SI Joint Injections. Each of these injections target different pain spots in the body. Injections generally include a numbing agent and a steroid.
  • Radiofrequency Ablation: This treatment is usually used to treat lower back and neck pain, especially when pain is caused by arthritis. This technique uses a radio wave to produce an electrical current, which is then used to heat an area of nerve tissue. This method decreases the pain signals from that area.
  • Spinal Cord Stimulation: This technique treats chronic pain by applying gentle electrical currents to the source of the pain. Electrical leads are inserted close to the spinal column, while a tiny generator is inserted into the abdomen or buttock. The generator emits electrical signals to the spinal column, thus blocking the ability for the brain to perceive pain.
  • Kyphoplasty: Balloon kyphoplasty is a minimally invasive treatment that can repair spinal fractures caused by osteoporosis, cancer, or benign lesions. During the procedure, orthopedic balloons are used to gently elevate the fractured vertebra in an attempt to return it to the correct position. Bone cement is then injected to stabilize the fracture. Balloon kyphoplasty takes up to one hour per fracture level treated. It can be done on an inpatient or outpatient basis.
  • Regenerative medicine in spine and musculoskeletal applications: This treatment technique harvest’s the body’s own healing powers in order to aide in the recovery process.
  • Ultrasound guided injections: This technique utilizes a cutting-edge imaging device in order to guide needles into joints and other areas of the body without the use of radiation.